spanish version


Note:  Many of the services and links below pertain to Puerto Rico. Sites that are presented in Spanish language are not bilingual sites.  Select a category from the dropdown menu to continue.


Civil Defense
Aguadilla .......
Arecibo .........
Carolina ........
Estatal ..........
Guayama ......
Gurabo .........
Humacao ......
Mayagüez .....
Orocovis ......
Ponce ...........
San Juan ......
(787) - 882-6871
(787) - 878-3454
(787) - 750-7766
(787) - 724-0124
(787) - 864-1690
(787) - 737-6980
(787) - 852-4044
(787) - 833-7272
(787) - 867-7000
(787) - 844-8272
(787) - 781-6110


Civil Rights
American Civil Liberties Union - Defending the Bill of Rights.
American Civil Rights Institute - A national civil rights organization created to educate the public about racial and gender preferences. 
Americans Against Discrimination And Preferences - Provides daily updates on news concerning affirmative action, race, gender, and related topics.
Civil Rights Organization - Organización de Derechos Civiles - Coalition for equal opportunity and justice. - The site for news, information, and action for privacy of the individual.
U.S. Comission on Civil Rights - Learn how to file a discrimination complaint here.
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)


Commerce  (Business Sources and Information)
American Chamber of Commerce Executives
Economic Development Bank for Puerto Rico
Federal Department of Commerce (Official US Executive Branch Web Sites)
Hispanic Business (Business News)

HonestlyNow Banking
Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce
Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO) - (Compañia de Fomento Industrial de Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rico's Manufacturers Association - a private, voluntary, non-profit organization with the purpose of uniting all Puerto Rico's manufacturers, to further their mutual interests as they relate to the public and private sectors of Puerto Rico.
State Insurance Fund Corporation
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Small Business Administration


Computers & Technology  (Computer Repair & Services, Computers Sales, Consulting, Networking, Software development and sales, Telecommunications, Web Design, ISP, Other)
Computer Services of Puerto Rico


Criminal Justice System
Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation - Administración de Corrección
General Tribunal of Justice - (Laws and Regulations)
Puerto Rico Police


A Propósito - Topics include poetry, essays, critiques, unpublished letters, interviews, art and music. Created by the student Ricardo L. Negrón Colón..
ASPIRA - Instituto Puertorriqueño de Arte y Cultura.Fundación Puertorriqueña de las Humanidades
Puerto Rican Folkloric Dance - Provides history, resources and great photos!
Structuralist Analysis of Puerto Rican Santería - by Lily Díaz
Taínos of Puerto Rico - Rediscovering Borinquen by Elsa María Calderón at Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute.  (A good source for literature about Taino Indians.)
The Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken - An official tribal government web site.


Disaster Emergency
Measures to Mininmize the Effects of an Earthquake - Informative bulletin of the Puerto Rico Seismic Network.
Seismicity zones in Puerto Rico - a description of a zone and a list of zones in Puerto Rico.
Significant Earthquakes in the Puerto Rico Zone - an informative list of Earthquakes in Puerto Rico
Sunami Warning - Tsunami in Puerto Rico: The Forgotten Danger.


Federation of Teachers in Puerto Rico - Official page.
Regulation of Private Schools in Puerto Rico  U.S. Department of Education.


Employment Opportunities
Federal job search in Puerto Rico - a business unit of Hispanic Business Inc.


Environment (Reserves: Forest, Ocean, Wildlife)
Thermal Ocean Weather - tropical weather map and satellite imagery's. Click on "still" links for free imagery.


Financial Aid for Education  (Grants, Fellowships, Scholarships & Loans)
ASPIRA of Puerto Rico Programs
Direct Loan Servicing On-Line
FAFSA on the Web
FSA for Students
FSA Schools Channel - Schools Portal includes Resources and Training and FAA access to student data.
Fundsnet Services - Grants, fundraising, scholarships and financial aid resources.
Government Grants & Loans - Nutrition Assistance For Puerto Rico.
Grant Help - The National Science Foundation gives grants to academic institutions for basic research, including clients throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Grants and Fellowship Information - A business opportunities page presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Contains grants and environmental financing, grants and fellowship Information and environmental education grants programs.
Grants for Minorities - Grants for Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Latinos, Native Americans, etc.
Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) - Contains technical publications, regulations, and policy guidance on the administration of the Federal Student Aid programs.
National Science Foundation Grants and Awards
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Student Accesss

Online Finance Degree - Student Finance an online guide to scholarships, grants and financial-aid.
Pell Grants On-Line - Financial Aid Administrators, Servicers or other school officials can verify batch statuses, submit data requests, check account balances, enter institution records or enter post-deadline data records.
PIN - Federal Student Loan Pin registration.
Scholarships - free college scholarship search engine & financial aid resource
Washington D.C. - Government grants and government loans in all 50 states, including Puerto Rico.

VALOREBOOKS - How To Sell Text Books (The Ultimate Guide).


Foundations & Organizations
American Lung Association

Fondos Unidos de P.R. - "It is a non-profit private organization dedicated to strengthen the social and health care services in Puerto Rico, while promoting the development of volunteerism".
Guide dogs Foundation for the Blind - Leading resource and provider to facilitate the independence of people who are blind or visually impaired.

Guide on smoking's impact on the Hispanic community. by
National Science Foundation - publications and news.
Puerto Rican Organization for the Working Woman - Organización Puertorriqueña de la Mujer Trabajadora


Government (Agencies, Organizations, Committees, and Associations)
Administration for Compensation of  Automobile Accidents
Administration of Energy Affairs
Administration of Medical Services - (Administración de Servicios Médicos de Puerto Rico)
Administration of Public Housing
Administration of Rules and Permits (ARPE) - (Administración de Reglamentos y Permisos)
Authority of Solid Waste
Bus Rapid Transite (BRT) Project - (Río Hondo Connector)
Central Labor Advisory and Human Resources Administration Office - (Oficina Central de Asesoramiento Laboral y de Administración de Recursos Humanos (OCALARH))
Commission for the Review of Civil Codes - Comisión para la Revisión del Código Civil)
Commission for the Security in Transportation
Commission of Investigation, Processing and Appeal
Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico - Fideicomiso de Conservacion
Cooperative Inspector's Office
Cooperatives Stock Insurance, Savings and Credit Deposits Corporation - (PROSAD-COOP)
Culebra 's Conservation and Development Authority
Department of Consumer Affairs - (Departamento de Asuntos del Consumidor)
Department of Education
Department of Finance - (el Departamento de Hacienda)
Department of Health of Puerto Rico - (Departamento de Salud)
Department of Justice - (Departamento de Justicia)
Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
Department of State of Puerto Rico - (Departamento de Estado)
Department of Transportation and Public Works
Department of Treasury - Federal Domestic Assistance - Internal Revenue Service
Department of Veterans Affairs - Federal Domestic Assistance - Veterans Health Administration
Elderly Affairs - Puerto Rico Governor's Office of Elderly Affairs (Region II)
Embassy and Consulate Directory for Puerto Rico
- (Directorio de Embajadas y Consulados en Puerto Rico)
Executive Mansion and the Office of the Governor
Federal Affairs Administration of Puerto Rico (PRFAA)
Federal Domestic Assistance - ( link catelog)
Financial Institutions Commissioner's Office
Fire Corps of Puerto Rico - (Cuerpo de Bomberos de Puerto Rico)
FirstGov, the U.S. government’s official web portal - is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services. It is the catalyst for a growing electronic government, helping citizens navigate through the bureaucracy of government red tape. At FirstGov you can apply for benefits online, contact a government agency, or use the Internet’s most comprehensive search of government websites—all from one easy location.
Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico (GDB)
Government of Puerto Rico Organization Chart - (Actual Structure with proposed changes annotated)
Health Insurance Administration of Puerto Rico
House of Representatives (Estado Libre Asociado De Puerto Rico Cámara De Representantes)
Infrastructure information on Puerto Rico
Insurance Commissioner's Office
International Institute of Tropical Forestry - Part of U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Judicial Branch of Puerto Rico - (Tribunal General de Justicia de Puerto Rico)
Land Administration of Puerto Rico - (An Enterprise Fund of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico) Financial statements, auditors reports, etc...
Library of Congress

Medicare Enrollment Guide
Metropolitan Authority of Buses - (La Autoridad Metropolitana de Autobuses (AMA)
National Park Sevice - Go into SEARCH MODE and type in the word "Puerto Rico" for a surplus of information about our island's parks and historic light houses and forts.
National Parks of Puerto Rico Company - opera una serie de parques,con áreas de acampar; vacacionales; el  Zoológico Dr. Juan A. Rivero y el Parque de las Cavernas del Río Camuy, entre otros.
Office of Commissioner of Financial Institutions
Office of Comptroller
Office of Drug Controle - (Oficina de Control de Drogas de Puerto Rico)
Office of Governmental Ethics - Oficina de Etica Gubernamental
Office of Legislative Services
Office of Ombudsman for People with Disabilities - (Oficina del Procurador de las Personas con Impedimentos (OPPI))
Permanent Special Commission on Systems of Retirement - (Comision especial sobre los sistemas de Retiro)
Planing Board  - (Junta de Planificación)
Proposed Budget of 2002-2003 - (Contains discription and information of all agencies and departments.)
Public Corporation for the Supervision & Security of the Society of P.R.
- (Corporación Pública para la Supervisión y Seguro de Cooperativas de P.R.)
Regulatory Board for Telecommunications - (Junta Reglamentadora de Telecomunicaciones)
Resident Commissioner to U.S. House of Representatives
Senate of Puerto Rico - (Senado del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico)
Social Security Administration
State Commission of Elections - Comisión Estatal de Elecciones
State Insurance and Corporation - Student gateway to U.S. Government information and services.
Treasury Department
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Puerto Rico
sU.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Code Of Federal Regulations
U.S. Customs Service Report - Amendment To Notice No. 88-56, Dated August 8, 1988: Updating Of The Telephone Reporting System For Pleasure Boats
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Labor for Puerto Rico
U.S. Department of State
U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico - serves as the federal trial court for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
U.S. Geological Survey - Programs in Puerto Rico.
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance 


Homework Aids
Atlapedia Online (by Latimer Clarke Corporation) - Presents loads of resources from encyclopedias to classical literature. All for free!
Columbia Encyclopedia - (by Columbia University Press)
Encarta Encyclopedia - MSN Learning & Research.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus aid.
Online Tutors
SAT Online Course - Free SAT tools. Take a free SAT or ACT online course demo, including a full-length practice test.
Study Guides and Strategies - Great website! Offered in various languages.
World Atlas - For maps and information about places in the world.


Informational Resources on Puerto Rico
Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños 
Puerto Rico Census - Census 2000 Data for Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico - (By Columbia University Press)
Puerto Rico - (Presented by Freedom in the West)
The World Fact Book 2002 - (Produced by the Central Intelligence Agency)


CHUBB Puerto Rico - Federal Insurance Company
State Insurance Fund Corporation
Workmen's Accident Compensation Insurance 


Babel Fish Translation - Babel Fish Translation will translate any word, phrase, or web page to various languages.
Free Translations - for rapid translations.
Systran - Free rapid translations.


Legal (Legal Professionals, Legal Assistants)
LexJuris de Puerto Rico - a web site with resources on legal topics and assistance in Puerto Rico.


CompariTECH - Using deep web search engines for academic and scholarly researsh...

Database from the Universidad de Puerto Rico
Encarnación Valdés Library at the Pontificio Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico
General Library from the College of Agriculture in Mayagüez - On-line library search catalog from the College of Agriculture in Mayagüez.
Kids Web - A Digital Library web site for school kids.
Library of Congress - Biblioteca del Congreso
Patent and Trademark Depository Library - of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez - An excellent source of technical, scientific, commercial and industrial information. 
Sacred Heart University Library - Biblioteca del Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
University of Puerto Rico Library in Humacao
University of Puerto Rico Library Services - Universidad de Puerto Rico Servicios de Bibliotecas


Lottery Services
Electronic Lottery of Puerto Rico -  Lotería Electrónica de Puerto Rico


El Fortin Conde de Mirasol (Vieques)
Fuerte de San Cristobal  - (San Juan)
Fuerte El Morro  - (San Juan)
Las Murallas de San Juán - (San Juan)
Museo Casa Roig  - (Humacao)
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico - (San Juan)
Museo de Arte de Ponce - (Ponce)
Museo de las Americas - (San Juan)
Museo del Niño - (San Juan)
Parque Ceremonial de Tibes  - (Ponce)


Music & Musicians
Association of Composers and Editors of Latin-American Music - (ACEMLA)
Hispanic World of Musicians and Actors - (Mundo Hispano de Músicos y Actores) By James E. Ross.
Music of Puerto Rico Foundation - "The Music of Puerto Rico Foundation was incorporated in New Jersey, USA as a non-profit corporation for the purpose of serving as an educational resource on the music of Puerto Rico".
Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra  - the country's foremost musical ensemble, and one of the most eminent orchestras of the Americas 


News Webs
ABC de España
El Nuevo Dia - Interactivo
El País de España
El Vocero de Puerto Rico
La Esquina - El Periódico del Sureste de Puerto Rico.
Primera Hora
The New York Times
The Puerto Rico Herald
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post


Online Universities

Top Online Master of Counseling Degrees


Election Results - Election results from all over the world including Puerto Rico.
Elections 2000 - Elections 2000 presented by El Nuevo Día Interactivo.
Elections in Puerto Rico
New Progressive Party (PNP) - Official page in Spanish.
Popular Democratic Party (PPD) - December 8, 2002 Internal Elections
Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) -  Official page.
United States Courts of Appeals - First Circuit Opinion 00-2083.01A: regarding Igartua-de-La-Rosa v. US on Presidential Vote in Puerto Rico.


Satellite Images
Caribbean Atmospheric Research Center at the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez.
Image Gallery of Major Events - Operational Products Development Branch (NOAA/NESDIS).
Satellite Image of the Caribbean (Weather Channel at
MapMart -
MapMart offers a variety of high, medium and low resolution satellite imagery datasets for nearly every location on the earth.
Tropical Satellite Images, Movies & More!


Search Engines for the Internet


Spanish TV Stations


Iowa State University Archives of Women in Science and Engineering
Puerto Rico: 500 Years of Oppression - By Piri Thomas and Suzanne Dod Thomas / Berkeley, California.
Rural and Urban Images - Voices of Girls in Science, Mathematics & Technology.
Women's Issues - A directory of various issues that pertain to woman.


Comité Olímpico de Puerto Rico - (Olimpic Committee of Puerto Rico).


Transportation (Land & Sea Mobility, Mass Transportation Services)
Department of Transportation and Public Works
Federal Aviation Administration - Home Page for the entire web site.
National Traffic and Road Closure Information
Ocean Crew Transports - Ground transportation in Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center Website


Unexplainable and Supernatural
The Virtually Strange Network
UFO Crash in Puerto Rico


Unions (workers organizations)
American Federation of Government Employees - (AFGE)
American Federation of Musicians - Union de Musicos de Puerto Rico (AFM)
Central Union of Puerto Rican Workers - Central Puertoriqueña de Trabajadores (CPT)
Independent Brotherhood of Telephone Company Employees - Hermandad Independiente de Empleados Telefónicos (HIETEL)
Independent Union of Telephone Employees - Unión Independiente de Empleados Telefónicos (UIET)
National Air Traffic Controller's Association - (NATCA)
National Postal Mail Handlers Union - (NPMHU)
Union of Industrial Electrical Worker of Puerto Rico - Unión de Trabajadores de la Industria Eléctrica y Riego de Puerto Rico (UTIER)


Universities in Puerto Rico
Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española
Ateneo Puertorriqueño 
Atlantic College
Boricua College
Caribbean University
Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe
Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños 
Centro de Estudios, Recursos y Servicios a la Mujer
Colección Puertorriqueña - Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras.
Consejo de Educación Superior
Facultad de Derecho Eugenio María de Hostos
Interamerican University - Metropolitan
Interamerican University - Ponce
Interamerican University - San Germán
Metropolitan University
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico - Universidad Politécnica de P.R.
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Aids Education and Training Center (PRAETC)
School of Architects of Puerto Rico
School of Optometry   Interamerican University of Puerto Rico.
Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico  
Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez - El portal de los universitarios.
Universidad Carlos Albizu
Universidad Central del Caribe
Universidad de Puerto Rico
Universidad del Este
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico - Recinto de Arecibo.
Universidades de todo el Mundo por Yahoo
University of Puerto Rico - Aguadilla
University of Puerto Rico - Carolina
University of Puerto Rico - Cayey
University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez
University of Puerto Rico - Medical Science
University of Puerto Rico - Ponce
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
University of Puerto Rico - University and Technological School of Humacao
University of Puerto Rico - Utuado
University of the Sacred Heart - Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
Worldwide Classroom  School listings for Puerto Rico..


Electric Energy Authority
Water Resources of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands - (Presented by the U.S. Geological Survey - The U.S. largest earth-science agency)


Arecibo -  (
Caguas - (
Caribbean HIRES Satellite - presented by
Fajardo -  (
Humacao Weather Station 
Mayagüez -  (
National Weather Service ( English)
Ponce -  (
San Juan -  (
Weather (P.R., USA, International) - (

The Weather Resource Page


Yellow Pages
Accessible Yellow Pages - For the United States.
Internet Kids and Family Yellow Pages
Mapquest Yellow Pages - Find people all over the U.S.




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